- 產品描述
主要檢測:甲型流感病毒檢測試劑、乙型流感病毒檢測試劑、甲乙型流感病毒檢測試劑、A+B流感病毒檢測試劑盒、流感病毒抗原快速檢測卡、流感病毒抗體快速檢測試劑盒、流感快速檢測試劑 c1c2。
甲型流感病毒(Influenza A virus),又稱A型流感病毒
乙型流感病毒(Influenza B virus),又稱B型流感病毒
丙型流感病毒(Influenza C virus),又稱C型流感病毒
1. 流感病毒快速檢測卡40片/盒
2. 樣本稀釋液40管/盒
3. 棉簽40支/盒
【操作方法】 一、樣品制備:
1. 本檢測卡采集樣品為眼、氣管分泌物。將棉簽插入分泌物zui多的部位,輕輕搖動棉簽,讓棉簽充分吸收分泌物。
2. 將棉簽在稀釋液中充分攪拌并反復擠壓試管壁,讓分泌物充分溶解到稀釋液中,得到待檢樣品。
3. 樣品一般須當即進行檢測,否則應冷藏保存,超過24小時的,應該冷凍保存。
1. 使用前將試劑盒和樣品恢復至室溫。
2. 將棉簽浸入裝有樣品稀釋液的試管,充分攪拌混勻后,用一次性滴管取上清液。
3. 取出檢測卡,開封后平放于桌面上,從滴管中緩慢而準確地逐滴加入2–3滴混合液。
4. 加樣品液后,約30秒內,紅色的液體從靠樣品孔的觀察窗邊緣涌出。朝另一方向流動。
5. 五分鐘后判斷結果,超過三十分鐘的結果判讀無效。
1. 陽性:在觀察孔內,若對照線顯色,檢測線同時顯色,判為陽性(如圖一、圖二)。陽性結果表明檢測液
2. 陰性:在觀察孔內,若對照線顯色,而檢測線不顯色,判為陰性(如圖三)。陰性結果表明檢測液中不含流感病毒。
3. 無效:在觀察孔內,若對照線不顯色,則結果無效,建議重新測試(如圖四、圖五)。
1. 本品如果購買時發(fā)現(xiàn)過期、破損、污染、無效的產品,請在購買處進行更換。
2. 測試樣品來自動物,可能有潛在感染性,樣品和使用過的試劑應被看作微生物危險品處理。
3. 所有檢測卡啟封后馬上使用,此前不要隨意打開。
4. 本品為一次性產品,請勿二次使用;請勿使用非本品隨附的稀釋液。
1. 保存于干燥陰涼處(2~30℃),有效期為18個月,生產日期見外包裝盒。
2. 打開包裝后,在1小時內使用。
產品名稱 | 產品簡介 | 產品品牌 |
甲型乙型流感病毒抗原檢測試劑盒(生研) | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速檢測 | 日本生研 |
瑞必歐甲型/乙型流感快速檢測試劑盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速檢測 | 日本富士瑞必歐 |
甲乙型流感抗原檢測試劑盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速檢測 | 美國NovaBios |
ClearView甲乙型流感快速檢測試劑盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速檢測 | 英國ClearVie |
BinaxNOW甲乙型流感快速檢測試劑盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速檢測 | 美國BinaxNow |
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【電子郵件】 Service@jianlun.com Jim@jianlun.com
【騰訊 】
【公司】 www.jianlun.com
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號二期2幢一層101-3室
臨床表現(xiàn) 1、全身強直性抽風:全身肌肉強直,一陣陣抽動,呈角弓反張(頭后仰,全身向后彎呈弓形),雙眼上翻或凝視,神志不清。
Blood: The total number of leukocytes were significantly higher, reaching 10 ~ 30 × 109 / L, the percentage of neutrophils increased, more than 80%, significant left shift and cell poisoning can occur. A small number of Gram-negative sepsis and immune dysfunction, the total number of white blood cells can be normal or slightly reduced
Etiological examination
Bacterial culture: blood culture is the gold standard for the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis, at the same time for aerobic, anaerobic, fungal, if necessary, L-type bacteria culture. Blood culture is more relevant to the same bacteria in the body fluid culture than elsewhere.
Bacterial smear: pus, cerebrospinal fluid, pleural effusion, petechia and other direct smear, but also detectable pathogens, rapid diagnosis of sepsis have a certain reference value.
Detailed medical history and make a detailed physical examination is extremely important. Any acute hyperpyrexia, leukocytes and neutrophils increased significantly, and not limited to a systematic infection tendency, or local lesions, catheter and equipment operation history should consider the possibility of sepsis; blood or bone marrow culture positive For the diagnosis of the basis. Should be with typhoid fever, miliary tuberculosis, connective tissue disease and lymphoma and other diseases identified.
High fever, epilepsy, tetanus, rabies, calcium deficiency can cause cramps, which are systemic, as well as localized gastrocnemius (commonly known as calf) spasm, often due to rapid exercise or work fatigue or severe tibia twisting Cause, often when lying down or sleeping. The company is located in:
Clinical manifestations 1, systemic tonic ventilation: muscle rigidity, bursts of twitching, cornering bow anti-Zhang (head backwards, the body bent back bow), his eyes turned up or staring, unconscious.
2, limited ventilation: only partial muscle twitching, such as only one side of the limb twitch, or facial muscle twitching, or finger, toe twitching, or eye rotation, nystagmus, blinking movements, gaze and so on. Mostly unconscious. The above ventilation time can be a few seconds or a few minutes, severe cases for a few minutes or recurrent episodes of convulsions lasting more than 30 minutes, said the state.